Kaylee Richards
Senior Rebecca Stroschein wears her World Down Syndrome day shirt. World Down Syndrome day takes place on the 22nd of March each year. “I decided to wear the shirt to help raise awareness for World Down Syndrome Day. Through Best Buddies, I have met so many incredible people with Down syndrome and I am so happy our club found a way to spread the word,” said Stroschein.
World Down Syndrome Day takes place on March 21 and this year students at State High commemorated the day by wearing T-shirts ad crazy socks. Though a snow day took place on the 21, many students chose to wear their shirts on the 22nd. World Down Syndrome Day is also referred to as three, two, one day.
World Down Syndrome Day was made an official global day by the United Nations in 2012 and this year marked the 6th year of it being officially recognized. The goal of the day is to bring public awareness to Down syndrome. World Down Syndrome day also celebrates that the number of chromosomes someone has doesn’t make them different from someone else. The reason why the day is held on 3/21 is because it represents the genetic cause of Down Syndrome, which is a third chromosome in pair 21.
One of the ways people celebrate the day, is by was wearing crazy socks and having dance parties. World Down Syndrome Day also highlights their international, What I Bring to My Community campaign. According to Down Syndrome Day International, the campaign aims to show that people with Down syndrome can have large impacts on their community and to advocate for their rights and opportunities.
“On Wednesday, I wore a down syndrome awareness shirt to try to spread awareness of the special ability,” said, Megan Stoltzfus, a sophomore. Stoltzfus said, “I think it is important to celebrate because people don’t hear about down syndrome as much as other disabilities like autism and I feel like the children who have down syndrome aren’t always as well represented.”
At State High there are several students who have Down syndrome. On Down Syndrome Day they celebrated by having a dance party. When not dancing the night away they all participate in after school activities. One of the extracurriculars Zac Brezovec, a sophomore, participates in, is Boy Scouts. He recently received a badge in robotics. Dayna Baldwin, a sophomore, is a member of the State High marching band, and works at Northland Bowl. Dayna loves broadway, and frequently sees’ broadway plays like Grease. Zac, Dayna and Kenan Wirth, a freshman, are all athletes participating in the Special Olympics at the Multi-sport Horace Ashenfelter III indoor track at Penn State on April 19.
“Three, two, one day is a special day to [be] recognized for having special abilities” said, Jennifer Lee, a special education teacher, “We celebrate the fact that we are more like typical teenagers here at State High than we’re not like you….We ask that people stop in our room like you guys are and find out who we are and what we do.”
World Down Syndrome Day is an important day to show that people with Down syndrome have positive effects on our community.