State High Quiz Bowl
The current members of State High Quiz Bowl.
January 26, 2023
Quiz Bowl is one of the many clubs at State College Area High School. It is similar to a trivia game, incorporating teamwork, leadership skills, and general academic knowledge.
Quiz Bowl is an academic competition, so the team competes in tournaments throughout the year. In a Quiz Bowl competition, teams of four compete by answering questions of many different academic subjects. The questions are answered by a buzzer system, so one might interrupt the reading of a question to answer it.
Tori Korman is a senior and the President of State High Quiz Bowl. When she was a freshman she competed in her first ever Quiz Bowl tournament. “The adrenaline rush you get when you’re playing is really really big, and it’s really strange to get that for the first time,” Korman said, “I remember my heart beating really fast, but I was also smiling like an idiot because it was just so fun.”
A typical Quiz Bowl practice might vary, but preparation for tournaments mainly consists of reading and answering questions of different difficulty levels similar to the ones that would be asked in a tournament. The questions vary in different subjects such as math, science, literature, religion, history, philosophy, etc. Members of the Quiz Bowl team are encouraged to focus on specific subjects they are interested in, and learn about those. These practices are the main way that the State College Area High School Quiz Bowl Team prepares for tournaments, as well as general research. These practices take place on Wednesday’s after school.
Quiz Bowl is always welcoming and encouraging new members. It is open for anybody to join, regardless of prior knowledge.
“It’s a great place for anyone who has an interest in anything academic, no matter what that subject is,” Korman said, “Also if you like competition, it’s really fun.”
Sophomore Claire Fox is participating in high school Quiz Bowl for her second year now, and had a great time last year.
“It was my first club meeting in high school, and I knew virtually no one. It seemed like it would be really stressful, playing this random trivia game against a bunch of seniors who know a bunch of stuff, but honestly it was so much fun, and I made so many new friends that day, people I’m still friends with today,” Fox said.
Quiz Bowl is a club that provides learning opportunities to students. Students are able to compete in a more competitive environment and learn more general knowledge, while also making friends along the way.