Five Tips to Help with Mental Health During Remote Learning
September 12, 2020
Mental health is one aspect of a teenager’s life that can be drastically affected by school. Remote learning can have an even more dramatic effect on a student’s mental health, with them being more isolated from their peers, and many have trouble reaching out to their teachers. Similarly to staying physically healthy, there are tips for keeping a relatively good mental health during this new educational experience.
1. Get out of bed. Taking two steps to get out of bed reminds the body that the day is starting. Starting the day, even when attending online school, automatically gets the mind and body moving. Through this movement, dopamine is released in the brain, which controls the moods a person is feeling during the day. Getting out of bed can dramatically improve your mood. No, it might not be the best mood, but it is the first step into starting a good remote school day.
2. Change the clothes you wear. Staying in the same clothes for more than one day can make a person feel sluggish, and bring down their motivation to do work. The clothes don’t have to be anything fancy or special, but even changing into just a t-shirt can improve your mood for the day.
3. Eat well-defined meals. For some people, the desire to focus on school is either so important or so stressful that people can forget to eat during the school day. Listen to your body. When you think that you’re hungry, or recognize that you have not eaten in a while, try to eat something. These meals do not have to be large, even eating a snack in between classes could be helpful. Fueling yourself for the school day keeps the brain moving and the body functioning. On the flip side, some people could become upset with eating too much. Remember, eating is okay. Consider the right balance of the food that you eat; food equals fuel.
4. Try to get your body moving. Getting the motivation to get out of bed can be hard, and having the motivation to exercise is an even greater feat. Similar to getting out of bed, when the body moves, the brain “moves”. When someone exercises, the body releases endorphins, which are the chemicals in the brain that can make a person feel happier. Additionally, when a person exercises the brain gets rid of chemicals that make someone feel anxious or stressed. With more feel-good chemicals shooting off inside a person’s brain, and a lack of stress chemicals being present in the brain. Moving the body can be a great tool to use when feeling stressed about school.
5. Remember that change is not easy. With school plans changing every week, and classes meeting every day this year instead of every other day, balancing school and the stress that comes with it can be challenging for lots of people. Recognize that if you are stressed, it is completely fine to take a breather or even a break from the task at hand. Leave the task, regroup, and then come back when you feel better. This new way of living is challenging for everyone. Remember that you are not alone.
Mental health is something that many people struggle with. These tips seem like very basic ideas, but sometimes, for those struggling with mental health, the basics can be hard to accomplish. Remote learning is new to everyone, and remembering these steps can help with stress management in this new and ever-changing learning environment.