Reflecting on the First Marking Period
October 27, 2020
The end of the first marking period has finally arrived. For some students, it has flown by, but for others, it has been the slowest three months of the year. Due to the dangerous effects that COVID-19 poses, students and teachers have felt more disoriented than ever.
At the beginning of the school year, students were faced with the decision of whether they wanted to attend school in-person or remain fully remote. Freshman Bella Poehner decided to attend school remotely.
“As a fully remote student, it was a struggle to keep up with the students in class,” Poehner said. “Since they were able to work face-to-face for the majority of the marking period, they were able to learn a bit faster.”
Due to the unexpected outbreak of COVID, teachers were faced with the challenge of coming up with a safe and effective curriculum for the 2020-21 school year. While coming up with a sufficient plan, teachers and staff were faced with many challenges.
“The teachers have handled this with such grace. They’re trying their best. That’s all we can ask for,” Poehner said.
While Poehner has a positive outlook on the first marking period, there are others who don’t. Sophomore Adrian Peters is one of many students who have struggled during this marking period.
“This marking period has damaged my mental health while teachers are constantly over assigning work,” Peters said.
For many students, it is hard to keep up with assignments while retaining the information that they learn over the school year.
Students and staff alike have found certain struggles in this first marking period. State High counselor Tanya Anderson has found it hard to connect with students.
“For me, the biggest challenge has been connecting with students while in a remote setting,” Anderson said. “Building relationships through the computer is just not the same [as] in person.”
Although there have been a few struggles so far, as this first marking period comes to an end, Poehner and Anderson have experienced a couple of good things, as well.
“I’ve really enjoyed seeing how everyone is adapting,” Poehner said. “I’ve also enjoyed getting to know my classmates and peers.”
Anderson has a few things she will be looking forward to for the next marking period.
“I am looking forward to getting to know more and more 9th graders. Transitioning freshmen to the high school this year is not the same, but as I get to meet more students, I feel like I’m starting to settle into the school year and that I’m getting into a positive routine,” Anderson said.
The 2020-21 school year is just getting started, and both students and teachers are beginning to establish a routine in the new COVID environment.
“We just don’t know how this [COVID] could impact things a few weeks down the road,” Anderson said. “We are all in this together and will get through each marking period one day at a time.”