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Lions' Digest

Student news from State College Area High School

Lions' Digest

Student news from State College Area High School

Lions' Digest

All content by Photo courtesy of Bet America Extra
NFL teams compete in the playoffs for title of Superbowl Champions. The Colts and Kansas City Chiefs played their first game recently as well as many other teams to see who will advance in the playoffs. ¨I think the New Orleans Saints will definitely make it to the SuperBowl as well as the New England Patriots. The Saints have a good defense this year and Drew Brees is having an outstanding season. The Patriots are always a tough team especially in the playoffs,” says State High football coach and former player for the New York Giants, Dirk Grissinger.

[Photo] 32 NFL Teams, Who Will Last?

Alexa Webb, Staff Writer
January 23, 2019
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Photo courtesy of Bet America Extra