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Lions' Digest

Student news from State College Area High School

Lions' Digest

Student news from State College Area High School

Lions' Digest

Jayson Villarouel

Jayson Villarouel, Staff Writer

Jayson Villarouel, also known as “Jay”, is a junior at State High. Jay is an avid sports fan who loves basketball and joined Journalism to strengthen his writing and interview State High athletes. Jay describes himself as a caring, passionate, and creative writer who loves to help people. Jay is the middle child in a family of six. Before moving to State High, Jay lived in Maryland, California, North Carolina, Connecticut, Arizona and Japan. Jay hopes to pursue a career in journalism in the near future.

All content by Jayson Villarouel
Fall Sports Review

Fall Sports Review

Jayson Villarouel, Staff Writer
November 20, 2018
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Jayson Villarouel