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Student news from State College Area High School

Lions' Digest

Student news from State College Area High School

Lions' Digest

Student news from State College Area High School

Lions' Digest

Lauren Lieb, Staff Writer

Things to know about me: My name is Lauren Lieb, I’m a freshman, I’m taking journalism (duh) and I’m glad you’ve taken the time to read this! See you’re already to the second sentence! Good job! I decided to take Journalism because I enjoy reading the newspaper, magazines and online articles and thought it would be a good idea to figure out how it all worked. When I’m not in school or Thespians, I’m probably playing the ukulele, singing or tap dancing. I’m obsessed with everything British and love it almost as much as my 2 little brothers. Now, enough about me! Happy reading!

All content by Lauren Lieb
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Lauren Lieb