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Student news from State College Area High School

Lions' Digest

Student news from State College Area High School

Lions' Digest

Student news from State College Area High School

Lions' Digest

Ella Simpson, Staff Writer

My name is Ella Simpson, and I am currently a sophomore here at State High. I am beyond excited to be able to have the opportunity to take Journalism, because I am interested in it as a possible future career. While I look forward to growing my knowledge in many aspects of journalism, I take specific interest in broadcast journalism.

I have always loved performing in front of others. I’ve lived in State College for most of my life, and many wonderful performance opportunities have been given to me here, either through school or other organizations. I’ve taken up theatre and video production in the past, and both have allowed me to improve my speech and embrace my creativity. Currently, I am a flutist in State High’s Symphonic Band, where I enjoy sharing music with audiences of all types. I am also an attorney for the mock trial team. All of my opportunities have shaped me into a student with more appreciative knowledge for the art and craft that goes into performance and communications. When I am not working on speech and performance, I turn to art. I enjoy drawing and painting, where I can express myself imaginatively.

All content by Ella Simpson
Black cats are a common symbol of bad luck for those who are superstitious. With Friday the 13th occuring recently, many superstitious individuals were cautious of the supernatural.

Is State High Superstitious?

Ella Simpson, Staff Writer
April 20, 2018
 Tyson Cooper (16), junior, stands at a base and surveys the field during the game against Central Dauphin High School. Varsity Baseball won the game with a 13-3 score, demonstrating their hard work during the season so far. “We started off a bit slow this season, but the win against Central Dauphin gave us some momentum,” Cooper said, adding, “All we have to do is stay focused and keep competing and we’ll get it going.”

Hey, Batta Batta

Ella Simpson, Staff Writer
April 20, 2018
Senior Delaney Kenyon gathers boxes of Girl Scout cookies to sell. Girl Scout cookies are now available to be purchased in State College. For many Girl Scouts, selling cookies is an enjoyable and rewarding experience. "People really like Girl Scout cookies. I like selling Girl Scout cookies because we use the money on trips for our troops," Kenyon said.

Smart Cookies Who Sell Cookies

Ella Simpson, Staff Writer
February 25, 2018
Time for a change! Freshman choir makes advances into their new room. This is part of a multi-step process for State High’s music programs, as well as Thespians. The move has required a lot of hard work, devotion, and cooperation from students. As the new building’s arts wing comes together, students are required to have rehearsals in a new parts of the North Building. ‘While it might be inconvenient now, we know it will be worth it in the end,” Freshman choir member Lauren Lieb said.

New Rooms, Same Talent

Ella Simpson, Staff Writer
February 2, 2018
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Ella Simpson