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Lions' Digest

Student news from State College Area High School

Lions' Digest

Student news from State College Area High School

Lions' Digest

Rachel Foster

Rachel Foster, Yearbook Clubs Editor

Rachel Foster is a senior in her third and final year of journalism. She fell in love with the program after accidentally joining the class, and now hopes to get into PSU to pursue it as a professional career. In her free time, she is also a member of the State High field hockey team and is always looking for gluten-free recipes. This year she will be a staff writer, alongside heading the clubs section of the yearbook. 

All content by Rachel Foster
The full course guide is available to browse at

Exciting Electives to Try as an Underclassman

Rachel Foster, Yearbook Clubs Editor
January 3, 2022
A‌ ‌collage‌ ‌of‌ ‌a‌ ‌variety‌ ‌of‌ ‌2000s‌ ‌trends‌ and icons ‌that‌ ‌have‌ ‌reemerged.‌ ‌ ‌

The Resurgence of the 2000s

Rachel Foster, Yearbook Clubs Editor
January 3, 2022
IB students Phebe Herlocher, senior, and Molly Schreiner, junior, cut down their workload by utilizing study time. “It’s easy to stay on top of things if you stay organized and write yourself fake deadlines,” Herlocher said.

Attacking Procrastination

Rachel Foster, Yearbook Clubs Editor
November 4, 2021
The Girls' Soccer float celebrating their #JackStrong campaign in 2019 marches down the street.

A Guide to State High Homecoming: The Parade

Rachel Foster, Yearbook Clubs Editor
September 17, 2021
A shot from the homecoming dance in 2019 captures the excitement of students as they crowd surf their peer.

A Guide to State High Homecoming: The Dance

Rachel Foster, Yearbook Clubs Editor
September 17, 2021
Students attending the homecoming football game in 2019 cheer on their team.

A Guide to State High Homecoming: The Game

Rachel Foster, Yearbook Clubs Editor
September 17, 2021

The Rise of Instagram Health Accounts

Rachel Foster, Business Manager
February 25, 2021
Humans of State High

Humans of State High

Rachel Foster, Business Manager
February 25, 2021
Humans of State High

Humans of State High

Rachel Foster, Business Manager
February 25, 2021
The founders of the club: Shwartzer(left) and Fragin(right). Both girls weren’t strangers to collaborating, as they had competed as DECA partners before, and were more than ready to take on forming the club together.

New Pen 2 Paper Club Starts Off Strong

Rachel Foster, Business Manager
December 13, 2020
Humans of State High

Humans of State High

Rachel Foster, Staff Writer
May 20, 2020
Humans of State High

Humans of State High

Rachel Foster, Staff Writer
May 20, 2020
Humans of State High

Humans of State High

Rachel Foster, Staff Writer
May 20, 2020
Humans of State High

Humans of State High

Rachel Foster, Staff Writer
January 14, 2020
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Rachel Foster